Monday, April 6, 2009

India Commemoratives Stamps - 1980

Sc# 851, SG# 954

21st January 1980

3rd United National Industrial

Development Organization General Conf.

Perforation: 13

Watermark: None

Sc# 852 SG# 955

25th January 1980

INDIA'80 Intl. Stamp Exhibition

Perforation: 13

Watermark: None

Sc# 853 SG# 956

25th January 1980

INDIA'80 Intl. Stamp Exhibition

Perforation: 13

Watermark: None

Sc# 854 SG# 957

25th January 1980

INDIA'80 Intl. Stamp Exhibition

Perforation: 13

Watermark: Large Star and

India Govt (remaining issues)

Sc# 855, SG# 958

25th January 1980

INDIA'80 Intl. Stamp Exhibition

Perforation: 13

Watermark: None

Sc# 856, SG# 959

17th February 1980

Institution of Engineers (India)

Perforation: 13

Watermark: Large Star

Sc# 857, SG# 960

26th February 1980

Madras Sappers Bicentennial

Perforation: 13

Watermark: None

Sc# 859, SG# 961

29th February 1980

4th World Book Fair

Perforation: 13

Watermark: Large Star

Sc# 858, SG# 962

29th February 1980

2nd Intl. Apiculture Conf.

Perforation: 13

Watermark: None

Sc# 860, SG# 963

18th March 1980

Welthy Fisher (Teacher)

Perforation: 13

Watermark: Large Star

Sc# 861, SG# 964

21st March 1980

Darul Uloom Deobandh

Perforation: 13

Watermark: None

Sc# 862, SG# 965

15th April 1980

Keshav Chandra Sen

Perforation: 13

Watermark: Large Star

Sc# 863, SG# 966

21st April 1980

300th Ann. of Chhattrapati Shivaji Maharaj

Perforation: 13

Watermark: None

Sc# 873, SG# 967

9 may , 1980

Asian Table Tennis Championship

Perforation: 13 x 13 1/2

Watermark: Large Star

Sc# 864, SG# 970

5th June 1980

Narayan Malhar Joshi

Perforation: 13

Watermark: Large Star

Sc# 865, SG# 971

6th June 1980

Ullor Parameshwar Iyer

Perforation: 13

Watermark: Large Star

Sc# 866, SG# 972

25th June 1980

Syed Mohammad Zamin Ali

Perforation: 13

Watermark: Large Star

Sc# 867, SG# 973

27th June 1980

Birth Cent. of Helen Keller

Perforation: 13

Watermark: None

Sc# 868 SG# 974

19th July 1980

Moscow Olympic Games

Perforation: 13 1/2 x 14

Watermark: None

Sc# 869, SG# 975

19th July 1980

Moscow Olympic Games

Perforation: 13 1/2 x 14

Watermark: None

Sc# 870, SG# 976

31st July 1980

Birth Cent. of Prem Chand

Perforation: 13

Watermark: Large Star

Sc# 871, SG# 977

27th August 1980

Mother Teresa Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Perforation: 13

Watermark: Large Star

Sc# 872, SG# 978

28th August 1980

Lord Mountbatten

Perforation: 13

Watermark: None

Sc# 874, SG# 981

27th September 1980

150th Ann. of Scottish Church College Calcutta

Perforation: 13

Watermark: Large Star

Sc# 875, SG# 982

30th September 1980

Raja Annamalai Chettiar

Perforation: 14 x 15

Watermark: Large Star

Sc# 876-77, SG# 983-4

2nd October 1980

Dandi March

Perforation: 15 x 14

Watermark: None

Sc# 878, SG# 985

8th October 1980

Jayaprakash Narayan

Perforation: 14 x 14 1/2

Watermark: Large Star

Sc# 879, SG# 986

1st November 1980

Occasion: Intl. Symposium of Bustards

Perforation: 13

Watermark: None

Sc# 880, SG# 987

3rd November 1980

Muslim Year 1400

Perforation: 13

Watermark: None

Sc# 881, SG# 988

14th November 1980

National Children's Day

Perforation: 13 1/2 x 13

Watermark: None

Sc# 882, SG# 989

3rd December 1980

Dhyan Chand

Perforation: 14 1/2 x 14

Watermark: None

Sc# 883, SG# 990

20th December 1980

Cent. of Kolar Gold Fields

Perforation: 13

Watermark: None

Sc# 884, SG# 991

25th December 1980

Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari

Perforation: 14 x 14 1/2

Watermark: Large Star

Sc# 885, SG# 992

27th December 1980

150th Ann. of India Govt. Mint (Bombay)

Perforation: 13

Watermark: None

Sc# 889 SG# 996

30th December 1980

Brides in Traditional Indian Outfits

Perforation: 13

Watermark: None

Sc# 887, SG# 994

30th December 1980

Brides in Traditional Indian Outfits

Perforation: 13

Watermark: None

Sc# 886, SG# 993

30th December 1980

Brides in Traditional Indian Outfits

Perforation: 13

Watermark: None

Sc# 888, SG# 995

30th December 1980

Brides in Traditional Indian Outfits

Perforation: 13

Watermark: None

SG # : All Stanley Gibbons catalogue numbers are the the copyright of
Stanley Gibbons Ltd

Sc # : All Scott catalogue numbers are the the copyright of Scott Publishing Co.

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